High-resolution scans of Bentheimer sandstone core for imbibition experiments

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Scans of strongly-wet Bentheimer sandstone core acquired during primary imbibition experiments at voxel size equal to 0.001657314 mm=1.657314 micron. The dimension of all the data set is 1200 voxel*1200 voxel*5000 voxel, corresponding to a physical volume of 32.77 mm^3. A total of four sets of tomographic data are presented in this project, including a 'dry scan' acquired before the water-flooding experiment, and three sets of 'wet scan' acquired during the primary imbibition experiment, with the wetting saturation equal to 11%, 28%, and 53%, respectively. The non-wetting and wetting phase in this study are air and brine (water doped with KI), respectively. The nc files can be read in ImageJ software via NetCDF plugins (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/). Please refer to the following publication for details of the scans: Huang, R., Herring, A.L., & Sheppard, A. "Effect of Saturation and Image Resolution on Representative Elementary Volume and Topological Quantification: An Experimental Study on Bentheimer Sandstone Using Micro-CT," Transp. Porous Media, doi: 10.1007/s11242-021-01571-9 (2021). Please cite both this dataset (use its DOI) as well as the related journal publication.


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  • Anna Herring (Australian National University)
  • Adrian Sheppard (Australian National University)


Dec. 11, 2020


ODC-BY 1.0

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The downloadable archive contains all project data; the size of the archive file for this project is 57.06 GB.
