A Diverse Super Resolution Dataset of Digital Rocks (DeepRock-SR): Sandstone, Carbonate, and Coal

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A Diverse Super Resolution Dataset of Digital Rocks (DeepRockSR): Sandstone, Carbonate, and Coal. This dataset contains an organised and processed collection of greyscale digital rock images for the purpose of image super resolution training. In total, there are 12,000 2D images and 3,000 3D volumes contained in this dataset. Sandstone: Bentheimer Sandstone 1 https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/211 Bentheimer Sandstone 2 https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/135 Berea Sandstone https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/135 Leopard Sandstone https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/135 Gildehauser Sandstone https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/134 Wilcox Tight Sandstone https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/6 Carbonate: Estaillades Carbonate https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/58 Savonnieres Carbonate https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/72 Massangis Carbonate https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/73 Coal: Sheared Coal https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/21 Naturally Fractured Coal https://www.digitalrocksportal.org/projects/20 The dataset is organised in a similar fashion to the DIV2K dataset : (https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/). To the knowledge of the authors, this dataset is the first of its kind to be used for the purpose of benchmarking Super Resolution algorithms in digital rock images. This dataset has been used thus far to test several Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks (SRCNN). Results are described in the Related Publications tab on this page. Please cite both this dataset (use its DOI) as well as the related journal publication. Data overview: The dataset is divided into: • 2D and 3D folders • Sandstone, Carbonate, and Coal Datasets • Combined shuffled Datasets • High Resolution, 2x and 4x downsampled datasets using the Matlab imresize and imresize3 functions with default settings and randomised settings • 2D HR images measure 500x500, cropped samples from the centre of the original cylindrical images, saved as PNG files • 9600 2D images are available for training, 1200 for validation, and 1200 for testing. • 3D HR volumes measure 100x100x100, cropped from the centre of the original cylindrical images, saved as octave and scipy readable MAT files (each array name is 'temp') • 2400 3D volumes are available for training, 300 for validation, and 300 for testing. The folder structure is as follows: • DeepRockSR/ – the parent folder • DeepRockSR/DeepRockSR-2D/ – folder for all 2D data • DeepRockSR/DeepRockSR-2D/sandstone2D – folder for 2D sandstone Data • DeepRockSR/DeepRockSR-2D/carbonate2D– folder for 2D carbonate Data • DeepRockSR/DeepRockSR-2D/coal2D– folder for 2D coal Data • DeepRockSR/DeepRockSR-2D/shuffled2D – folder for 2D shuffled Data and similarly for the 3D dataset, under the exact same structure. Within each carbonate, sandstone, and shuffled folder, the structure is as follows, using the 2D shuffled folder as example: • /shuffled2D_train_HR/ – 0001.png, 0002.png, ..., 0800.png train HR images • /shuffled2D_train_LR_default_X2/ -- 0001x2.png, 0002x2.png, ..., 0800x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • /shuffled2D_train_LR_default_X4/ -- 0001x4.png, 0002x4.png, ..., 0800x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4 • /shuffled2D_train_LR_unknown_X2/ -- 0001x2.png, 0002x2.png, ..., 0800x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • /shuffled2D_train_LR_unknown_X4/ -- 0001x4.png, 0002x4.png, ..., 0800x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4 • Validation • /shuffled2D_valid_HR/ -- 0801.png, 0802.png, ..., 0900.png validation HR images • /shuffled2D_valid_LR_default_X2/ -- 0801x2.png, 0802x2.png, ..., 0900x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • /shuffled2D_valid_LR_default_X4/ -- 0801x4.png, 0802x4.png, ..., 0900x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4 • /shuffled2D_valid_LR_unknown_X2/ -- 0801x2.png, 0802x2.png, ..., 0900x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • /shuffled2D_valid_LR_unknown_X4/ -- 0801x4.png, 0802x4.png, ..., 0900x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4 • Testing • /shuffled2D_test_HR/ -- 0901.png, 0902.png, ..., 1000.png test HR images • shuffled2D_test_LR_default_X2/ -- 0901x2.png, 0902x2.png, ..., 1000x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • shuffled2D_test_LR_default_X4/ -- 0901x4.png, 0902x4.png, ..., 1000x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4 • shuffled2D_test_LR_unknown_X2/ -- 0901x2.png, 0902x2.png, ..., 1000x2.png train LR images, downscale factor x2 • shuffled2D_test_LR_unknown_X4/ -- 0901x4.png, 0902x4.png, ..., 1000x4.png train LR images, downscale factor x4


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  • Ryan Armstrong (University of New South Wales)
  • Peyman Mostaghimi (University of New South Wales)


May 20, 2019


ODC-BY 1.0

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