Pore habit of clathrate hydrate

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This project includes high resolution images of three hydrate growth experiments. Data are from an accepted paper by Xiongyu Chen and D. Nicolas Espinoza published in Fuel in 2018, titled "Ostwald Ripening Changes the Pore Habit and Spatial Variability of Clathrate Hydrate" Exp1: Xenon hydrate growth inside an aluminum vessel half filled with pure water and half filled with xenon gas. T= 23 C, P_initial = 2.84 MPa. The image stack is taken with X-ray uCT after 1 days of hydrate growth. Resolution =48.39 um. Exp2: Methane hydrate growth on pure water droplets (droplets on a PTFE plate) during 14 days period. Images are taken with HD camera. T= 1 C, P_initial=7.05 MPa. Resolution =3.58 um. Exp3: Xenon hydrate growth inside an aluminum vessel that packs sand between a spring, a top spacer and a bottom spacer. There are metal screens between the spacers and the sand to stop sand. T=23C, P_initial =3.72 MPa. Aqueous phase is 10wt% NaBr brine. The image stack is taken with X-ray uCT after 4 days of hydrate growth. Resolution =48.92 um.


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  • D Nicolas Espinoza (The University of Texas at Austin)


Nov. 21, 2017


ODC-BY 1.0

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