Sponsor Digital Rocks Portal via UT Giving page and help Digital Rocks Portal share powerful imaged datasets of porous materials in the subsurface (such as rocks and soil), connect them to simulation and analysis, as well as educate students and the research community by organizing workshops and mini-courses. This in turn enables data-based science and engineering: understanding subsurface processes on multiple time and length scales can inform important environmental, civil, and petroleum engineering decisions and address key geological questions. Examples include containing the spread of toxins or harmful bacteria in watersheds, designing safe dams, improving recovery of hydrocarbons, and understanding the history of rock formation.





$20 or more

Any time giving

Your support of Digital Rocks Portal is tax deductible and easily done via credit card. 


Newsletter sponsor

You and/or your company will be featured in next newsletter.


Project sponsor

The donation will:

(1) make one of the Folk McBride high resolution thin sections examples available for research,

(2) permanently place a thank-you note to you/your company on the project landing page, and

(3) make you an owner of promotional items with that project imagery.


Check this presentation for suggested datasets.

You can pick any other (existing or new) project to sponsor under the same terms.

$3000 or more

Student/fellow sponsor

Sponsor a student fellow (suggested $3000-5000)  who will help upload data from partner institutions and research groups and create advanced visualizations to accompany them (with the help of the visualization challenge winning entries and training options!) in the semester following the donation.



For any further questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Masa Prodanovic via masha at utexas.edu 


Thank you for supporting reproducible research!

Thank you word cloud