Uniform quartz - Silver nanoparticle injection experiment

Uniform Quartz - 0.75 PV's injected concentration map Analysis Data

Nanoparticle concentration map (in g/L) compiled from the gray scale origin datasets and calibrated using the method of Molnar et al (2015). Due to x-ray refraction ('shadow zone' effect) all concentrations within 1.7 voxels of a grain surface have been labelled as '0 g/L' and may appear as pore space. 32bit float, little endian, 350x350x450 voxels in size.

View Sample: Uniform Quartz
Originating data
Uniform Quartz - 0.75 PV injected


210.3 MB

Image Type 32-bit Real
Width 350
Height 350
Number of Slices 450
Byte Order little-endian