Particulate straining in carbonate proxy

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This project presents particle straining in vuggy proxy media, where the media is a sintered glass bead (1.0 mm) core with dissolvable inclusion. Smaller sized glass bead particles (25 and 100 um) are injected in the proxy media to establish straining. Medical CT images of before and after injection are presented for 2 different flow rates (40 and 60 ml/min) and 3 different flow concentration (0.5%, 1% and 2%). The experiments are labeled according to the flow rate and total injection concentration. e.g 4005 has a flow rate of 40 ml/min and total injection concentration of 0.5%. Each experiment set has: - Raw CT data gathered using a medical CT scanner at 250 micron resolution before and after injection - Porosity change caused by injection determined from CT images - Vug surface before and after injection - Permeability vs time in the top and bottom zone. The top zone is the top half of the core and the bottom zone is the bottom. - Effluent is collected for each experiment. It is filtered, dried, and weighed and presented with the trapped volume determined from CT images.


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  • Masa Prodanovic (The University of Texas at Austin)
  • David DiCarlo (The University of Texas at Austin)


July 17, 2018


ODC-BY 1.0

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